Thursday, June 5, 2008

World Environment Day - 10 ways to save the Earth.

In a strongly-worded report in 2007, climate scientists have issued a stern warning that global warming is a clear and present danger and we have just less than a decade to mend our ways. The report, which focused on the economic implications and technological options for tackling global warming, stated that emissions must start declining by 2015 to prevent the world`s temperature from rising more than 2°C over pre-industrialised temperatures. As the nay sayers and climate rogues like the United States continued to ignore such warnings citing economic reasons, the responsibility falls upon us, the ordinary citizens, to save Mother Earth from sure extinction. Here are 10 simple ways to reduce CO2 emission.

Replace a light bulb

Changing one regular light bulb with a compact fluorescent light (CFL) bulb will save about 68 kg of carbon dioxide a year. That means half-tonne less CO2 released into the atmosphere during the CFL bulb’s lifetime. More CFL bulb use means less sulphur oxide and lower levels of nuclear waste.

Take a walk

Get out of your car or two-wheeler more often! You can take a walk to nearby places such a neighbourhood shop or a bank. In case of longer distances try bicycles, carpooling or public transport such a s trains and buses. Keep walking and you’ll end up saving about half-a-kg of carbon dioxide for every mile you don’t drive!

Reduce, reuse, and recycle

Recycling just half your household waste will make a difference. Household waste, if dumped without any recycling, adds about 1 kg of carbon dioxide per year to the atmosphere. By using very simple methods or by joining programmes in your neighbourhood, newspapers, beverage containers, other papers and goods can be recycled. Try to use kitchen products in containers that can be recycled. Give a second thought before discarding items and try to figure out whether they can be repaired or reused.

Check your tyres

Keeping your tyres inflated properly can improve mileage by more than 3 per cent. Every litre of petrol saved keeps about 2.5 kg of carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere. So when you visit the petrol bunk next time, don’t hesitate to spare a minute or two to check the air level in your vehicle’s tires.

Efficient water usage

Saving water around the home is simple. Civic water systems need a lot of energy to purify and distribute water to our homes. Saving precious water can lower greenhouse gas emissions. More importantly, using less and less volumes of hot water can prevent release of more CO2 into the atmosphere.

Reduce packaging

Most of the items or goods we buy from the market comes over-packed. We can save about half-a-tonne of carbon dioxide if you cut down your packaging garbage by 10 per cent.

Smart heating and cooling

Smart handling of air-conditioning systems can save about a tonne carbon dioxide a year. This can be achieved with just a simple adjustment of moving your thermostat just 2°C in winter and up 2°C in summer.

Plant a tree

This can be the easiest way to save the environment. A single tree absorbs one tonne of carbon dioxide over its lifetime. With the planet’s natural forest cover fast vanishing, your effort to plant as many trees as possible can go a long way in reducing greenhouse gases.

Turn off electronic devices

Turning off your television, DVD player, stereo, and computer when you’re not using them will save you thousands of pounds of carbon dioxide a year. It’s been calculated that office and home appliances consume about 25 per cent energy when they were left in stand-by mode. A minute spent to ensure your appliances are completely switched off saves your energy bills and the environment.

World Environment Day slogan for 2008 is Kick the Habit! Towards a Low Carbon Economy.

Let us celebrate “World Environment Day” and be a part in a global initiative.

“Low Carbon Economy” call of the day, Happy Environment Day.

Be Green

Live Green

Talk green

Buy Green

Sell Green

Eat Green

Believe in love, life and yourself.

With warm

Your well wisher Always..........................

Rashmin Joshi